Reengage and empower with Training & Consulting.

We use collaborative and meaningful observation to connect student experience with assessment.

An exceptionally unique experience tailored to your school

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1-1 Approach

Our collaborative approach enables us to connect meaningfully with teachers and students.

Bird’s eye school view.

Sometimes the greatest change can come from making school culture or school environmental change.

Actionable Progress Steps

Our end-goal is to provide actionable steps that admin can take to establish a more engaging school for teachers and students.


We’re not a one-and-done type of company. Our goal is to provide long-term support that enables growth while promoting independence.

Take the First Step

Reengage and Empower with
Training & Consulting. 


Training for Online Teachers

Teachers will learn about cloud services, web apps, online assessment and everything in-between.

Assessment Training

Teachers will gain an understanding for how to assess todays students, providing formative and summative feedback tailored for student growth.

School-wide Consulting

A birds-eye view of school operations. Chain of command, school culture, student behaviour, and classroom performance.

Online School Setup

We build websites, integrate web-apps, and allow your school to translate in class education to students at home.
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